Letter to the Editor Re: Cicilline


Here is the letter to the editor that I submitted to the Valley Breeze and should get published next week:

In a recent Valley Breeze letter to the editor, Congressman David Cicilline makes a great many allegations, all against “the Republican budget”.  Maybe the Congressman forgets something though.  The Democrats are still in control.  The Democrats are the ones controlling the Senate and the final signature on any budget, the Democrats control the White House.

So what is the purpose of Cicilline’s letter?  More scare tactics.  I remember the same tactics during the campaign last year.  All these very sweet grandmotherly looking women talking about how they fear for their Social Security and how “David” will protect it for them.  Cicilline was claiming that the Republicans were looking to privatize and take away current Social Security benefits.  That turned out to be a lie too.  Cicilline has never voted against privatizing the Social Security benefits of retirees because it has never come up!  Another Cicilline lie.

In his letter in the Breeze, I took pause at one phrase that he used, “It’s unfortunate that we are on the brink of breaking the promise…”.  If you’ve been following any of the financial news out of Providence, you know that the city and the rest of the state are on the brink of breaking lots of promises.  Cicilline himself promised us that he left the capital city in solid financial shape.  Another lie.  That all the accounts were fully funded.  Another lie.  That we could afford to pay the police and fire contracts that he recently signed with the unions.  Another lie.

It’s one lie after another with Cicilline.  Based on his history, should we believe everything he says in letters to the Breeze?  Should we believe everything he says in his campaign?  I don’t know why we would, or worse, why should we send him back to Washington?

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